Mornings with Bishop Robert
Sometimes you need to know when to stop, rest and regroup. We all get there, and there’s much to be gained from those times, too.
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A message from our Bishop Primus ☩☩John Sathiyakumar
Stories from the Mission Field
A report from Rev. Canon Bill Pezzutti & Rev. Deacon Rosie Pezzutti We began this prayer mission in Malaga Spain. We were asked to be the prayer team for African Inland Mission (AIM). There were 29 staff from five countries that minister to the diaspora in Europe. We had the opportunity to pray with and minister to the entire team in the four days we spent together. Rosie and I had an opportunity to share life with the entire team. One of their team members asked me when did we join the member care team for AIM. I told him…
Ministry Reports & Blog Posts
July 29, 2023
Sometimes you need to know when to stop, rest and regroup. We all get there, and there’s much to be gained from those times, too.
July 28, 2023
Most children can count to three before they ever reach that age. It’s simple. Some very important things in life are as simple as 1-2-3.
July 27, 2023
Is your life out of focus? Or do you see things with great clarity? You’re naturally attracted to what you focus on. Focus determines direction.
July 26, 2023
Are you alone? Or are you with someone? Sometimes the answer to the question “Who are you with?” makes all the difference in the world.
July 25, 2023
Messes happen. With kids, with adults, too. They’re a part of life. It’s how you deal with them that makes all the difference.
July 24, 2023
Mirrors are wonderful things. Love them or hate them, they show us things we need to see. And they can teach us a great life lesson, too.