Today is Memorial Day in the United States.  Many nations have a particular day set aside to remember the men and women who have fallen in battle. Today is ours.

There are many things that are important to remember. Some sacrifices are too significant, too important to be forgotten.  A life sacrificed on behalf of others tops the list.

Today, may I encourage you to remember the men and women of your nation who’ve given all they could give. There may be painful memories involved, especially when civil war has caused internal battles. 

We’ve fought a civil was in this nation, as is sadly the case in many others.  There are times to wrestle with underlying issues, causes and outcomes. But days like today are not one of those times.  Today is a day to remember one thing, and one thing only – the ultimate sacrifice.

Today is a day to remember those who gave everything so that we may have opportunities and freedoms. 

Today we remember.  Today we are thankful. Today we pray for those who remain behind, bereft of a family member.

To those who have sacrificed all for others.

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