When the title of a devotion is “Don’t Worry, Be ___________” (big empty space), I’ll bet many people’s thoughts are going to go straight to the Bobby McFerrin song from the late 80’s – Don’t Worry, Be HAPPY.
Even my international readers are likely pretty familiar with this little ditty. Not only was it the first a cappella song to reach number-one on a major American tracking chart, it also made the top three in close to twenty countries around the globe. (It was the number-one song in Iceland for quite some time, too !!)
Cute song, but lousy life philosophy. Even comedian George Carlin, not a man known for either his deep philosophical insights or his devotion to God, called it “exactly the kind of mindless philosophy that Americans would respond to.” When your bed’s been stolen, your cash has run out, your rent is late and your landlord is about to evict you, you’d be well advised to take a wiser course of action.
Today’s verse suggests one for us …
Yesterday I was looking for a particular book on my bookcase. I’ve got a LOT of books, and thanks to a general contractor friend who helped me build them, I’ve got some large and beautiful bookcases to hold them. I didn’t find the particular one I was looking for, but I did find an old book from the late seventies with 101 contemporary Christian message songs. It had a number of favorites I’d forgotten about. One of them was a song by Don Fransisco called “Jesus is Lord of the way I feel” that was based on some verses from the Old Testament Prophet Habakkuk.
Praise the Lord! Hallelu! I don’t care what the devil’s gonna do!
The Word in faith is my sword and shield,
And Jesus is Lord of the way I feel
Though the fig tree shall not blossom,
Though there be no grapes up on the vine,
Though the olive tree shall cast its fruit and the field shall yield no grain to grind,
Though the flock shall all be scattered and there be no cattle in the stall,
The Lord is still my joy and strength and by His Word He’ll change it all
The prophet had it right when he said, in spite of all the things he did not have, that he still had the power to glorify God. He said, “YET I will exult in the LORD; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!” His four word solution could be summed up as “EVEN THOUGH – I WILL.”
I WILL – those are powerful words. They are a declaration of what you will CHOOSE to do, in spite of what your enemy chooses to do. Jesus truly is Lord of the way you feel. And your choice to praise Him in the midst of the battle has an impact.
A couple of weeks ago the name of a friend from long ago “just happened” to pop up on my phone. I sent him a message to re-connect, sensing the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I suggested that we set up a phone call, and his response drove me to immediate prayer. He wrote, “Let’s target a couple weeks out. My beloved bride of 50 years is about to meet our Savior face to face unless He performs a mighty miracle.” Yesterday I watched him speak at her funeral and extol the grace of God throughout the years they had shared together. He was saying EVEN THOUGH my beloved bride and best friend has gone to be with Jesus – I WILL rejoice in what He has done for us, in the strength He gives me to bear this burden, and in the hope that I will see her again.”
Don Fransisco had it right –
The Word in faith is my sword and shield,
And Jesus is Lord of the way I feel
Don’t worry; because worry doesn’t have the power to change the outcome of your concern. Being anxious can’t add a single hour to a life. If you’re concerned about what you will eat or what you will drink, or about what you will put on your body; don’t worry – pray to the One who can provide for your needs. He tells us DON’T WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING because there is nothing that He cannot provide, heal, change or fix. So He tells us to PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.
Nothing is too big or too small. Nothing is too trivial for you to share with Him. Nothing is so big that He will become overwhelmed.
When you take the “EVEN THOUGH – I WILL” challenge, you’re not taking it alone; Jesus takes it with you.
I don’t know what words will finish your “EVEN THOUGH” statement. I know they will be words filled with pain and problems. Your “EVEN THOUGH” is something the enemy intends to be a wedge, driving you away from God. Yet I also know that when you finish your “even though” statement by saying, “I WILL not worry about anything, but instead I will pray about everything on my “EVEN THOUGH” list, God steps in to act. When you say, “I’ll choose to be thankful that I can let my requests be made known to God. I’ll choose to trust Him;” the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
A peace that surpasses understanding is a peace that doesn’t make sense. The situation hasn’t changed, but the person dealing with it has.
A peace that passes understanding is a peace that brings strength. Whatever the outcome may be, we have the promise of Christ’s presence as we walk with Him.
Sometimes life will spin us in circles and our hopes and dreams come crashing down around us. God said it is not good that we face life alone. You may have a loving and supportive spouse and several close friends. Or you may not. But whomever else is or isn’t in your inner circle of trusted companions, Jesus can be. Actually, He should be! The good news is that He wants to be.
I found another song in the book of 101 contemporary Christian message songs that brought back memories. From my perspective I have found that this song gives much better advice than Bobby McFerrin ever did. Whatever is on your “EVEN THOUGH” list, no matter how many items appear, you can do what The Imperials suggest and “Give Them All To Jesus.”
Are you tried of chasing pretty rainbows?
Are you tired of spinning round and round?
Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life
And at the feet of Jesus lay them down.
Give them all, Give them all,
Give them all to Jesus
Shattered dreams, wounded hearts, broken toys
Give them all, give them all,
Give them all to Jesus
And he will turn your sorrow into joy
He never said you would only see sunshine
He never said there would be no rain
He only promised us a heart full of singing
About the very thing that once brought pain.
Give them all, Give them all,
Give them all to Jesus