The world is facing overlapping crises.

The invasion of the Ukraine has focused the world’s attention. The potential repercussions of that particular conflict are likely to impact most of us around the world.

Headlines of the day notwithstanding, the refugee crisis in Afghanistan continues unabated. Just yesterday I was writing an appeal to one of the High Commissioners for Canada in that region, requesting the urgent assistance of the Government of Canada on behalf of a former Afghan Prosecutor against whom the Taliban has issued an execution order.

Even as these crises, and the devastation they are causing, command our focus – they are far from the only dangers we face geopolitically. China is flexing their military muscle in the regions to their east. North Korea has conducted some half dozen missile tests this year, including what appeared to be one of the most powerful missiles it has tested. Iran’s tentacles worm their way into a dozen different nations or more, bringing terror and pain with them. Sadly, I have not nearly exhausted the list.

As believers in Christ, servants of the Most High, what is our response to be when faced with such stark events?

Our response is a verse we’ve considered in the past, but in a very different light.

The world is concerned about its own survival. Taking care of “Number One” is going to be the order of the day for far too many. But we who serve the King of Kings have a higher calling.

That higher calling was well demonstrated by Pastor Kumar in India during the last two years when the world was paralysed by COVID. He began Calvary Temple in 2005 with 25 people. Today they are one of the largest churches in the world, with well over 300,000 members. In the midst of a country where most people’s income is earned day to day and all but disappeared during the COVID crisis, Calvary Temple fed 250,000 meals per month to those who needed food. They continue to do so, by the way. They also delivered 1400 TONS of free groceries for those who were unable to come and get a free meal.

When hospitals began to be overrun with COVID cases, they turned several of their buildings into COVID care centers. As they cared for the least of the least among them, people who could not afford to go to “real hospitals,” many of the caregivers also contracted the virus. But – and this is significant – NOT ONE OF THE CAREGIVERS DIED. God cared for the caregivers who were giving care in His name. The church continues to provide free medical clinics every Sunday, and typically provides treatment for some 1200-1500 patients. Oh, and they operate a pharmacy where all meds are free to those over the age of sixty.

They are living today’s verse:

That’s just one example, but it does make one ask a key question. What does it take to live like that?

First of all, it takes LOVE.

No one makes that kind of sacrifice unless they truly love the people they are serving. Love is the breeding ground of sacrifice. God loved us so much that he sacrificed His one and only Son, so that whoever chose to believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. Sacrifice always costs, even when God is providing. Only love leads you to make the decision that meeting urgent needs today with what you have in your hand is more important than accumulating excess in case there are greater needs tomorrow. And that leads us to the second thing it takes to live a life like that.

You must have FAITH. You must trust that God will keep His word, and faithfully continue to provide what you need. He supplies seed to the sower and bread for food. He takes care of your needs; and also provides enough for you to take care of others needs, as well. He will supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. The point is that only some of the seed you’ve been given is for you. Your harvest of righteousness increases as you GIVE AWAY the seed He has given you to sow. Keep it up, and you will be enriched in every way. As you are faithful to give, God will also be faithful to give. God will continue to pour His seed into your hands so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through your generosity – people will give thanksgiving to God.

The underlying lesson here is a simple one — The ONLY THING that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

That’s a verse from the bible that always arrests my thoughts. When God’s word says “the only thing,” the meaning is pretty clear. The “only thing” is the ONLY thing. Nothing else will do. The ONLY THING that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Ask God for faith – REAL faith. Faith that acts. Faith that expresses itself through love. Then ask Him for the love, too.

He’ll give you both faith and love; and much, much more. He’ll give you the ability to be generous, and to let your faith be expressed in love. Because that’s the only thing that counts.

It’s time to do good.


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