Have you ever been granted “special access” to a restricted place?

One of my friends was honored with special tickets to Her Majesty’s Jubilee Concert last week because of her work as a pediatric nurse during COVID, and was even invited inside a special area right in front of the platform. My sister and I attended a special invitation-only event at NASA not too long ago. This morning we’re going to talk about the best all-access pass you’re ever going to be offered.

But first, welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert,” thanks for joining me. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend !

Sometimes even getting close to God can be tough.

In the time of Jesus and before, one of the most restricted access places on the planet was the part of the Temple called the Holy of Holies. The Temple had an outer court, and pretty much anyone was able to enter. Only Jews could enter the inner court in the Temple. Then there was something called the Holy Place, where the sacrifices were offered; only priests were allowed to enter that place. Finally was the place known as The Holy of Holies, which originally contained the Ark of the Covenant, and it was separated from the Holy Place by a large woven curtain. Only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, and even he could only do so once a year.

But when Jesus died, the curtain in the Temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom. And now access was opened directly to the Holy of Holies because Jesus opened the way for us. That’s pretty amazing; but it gets even better.


Access to the throne room !! Think about that. Picture what it would take for you to enter the Her Majesty’s Throne Room at Buckingham Palace or the Oval Office at The White House. I’ve attended meetings with heads of state, and the security process can last longer than the meeting! But you know who gets unhindered access? The family. They are always welcome.

As adopted children of God, we are invited to COME BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF OUR GRACIOUS GOD. He invites us, and not just for a visit. He specifically asks us to come to Him in our times of need.

He knows we need His grace, His strength, His wisdom, His provision and a hundred other things. He invites us to come directly to Him, especially when we are tempted to sin.

Jesus is not only our Savior, He is also our great High Priest. He understands the battle we face here on earth. We don’t have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses; He’s been tempted in every way that we are. Think of the nastiest, meanest, worst things you’ve been tempted by. Jesus was tempted by them, too. He never gave in, so He was without sin; but He understands. And so He knows how to help when we come to Him.

You and I, we have special all-access passes. Often when I’m invited to attend an event or a function, I’m given an “All-Access Pass’ that marks me as a VIP and allows me to go anywhere. It’s a real honor. YOU are being offered a VIP all-access to the Throne Room of the King of Kings. There is NOTHING beyond His reach, and He can assist you with whatever you need.

COME – ask for His grace.
COME – ask for His healing.
COME – and ask Him for whatever you need.

But also – come and spend time in His presence, bask in His love and enjoy the close relationship that He wants to have with you.


He’s waiting for you.

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