Have you ever tried to plant a garden?
It can be a lot of work! But there’s a flavor to a freshly picked fruit or vegetable that the ones in the store will never match. Fruits and veggies are nice, but there are much more important things to plant in our lives, and this morning we’re going to look at them together.
But before we do, welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert,” I’m really grateful you’ve decided to join me here this morning. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend !
We’ve spoken before about sowing and reaping. You always get what you plant. You always get more than you plant. And that which you plant produces more seed for a future harvest. Of course, there’s always the issue of getting the initial seed to plant.
If you’re planting lettuce or carrots, then it’s as simple as purchasing a packet of seeds and planting them. But if you’re trying to plant peace, you’re not going to be able to order “peace seeds” online. You need a different source.
Our friends who live a couple houses down have the absolute best garden in the neighborhood. Visiting them is always an adventure of sights and smells. The wife regularly takes stem cuttings from her abundant garden and gives them to us, providing us the opportunity to re-plant fresh herbs and such. And that is how our “inner garden” works, too.
If you intend to plant peace, then someone with a lot of peace to spare has to share it with you. And He did.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” That’s the place we begin.
Peace is like zucchini.
If you plant zucchini and give it half a chance, you’re going to get A LOT of zucchini. It’s truly amazing the way it is able to reproduce so quickly. You just need to give it a little fertilizer, keep the weeds away and make sure you take care of any bugs that are trying to eat the zucchini before you do!
If you plant peace into the garden of your heart, just fertilize it by keeping your mind set upon the Spirit. He will cause that which He loves and desires to grow more quickly in you than you ever could have imagined. And, when the cares of this world start to sprout up like weeds, He will draw your attention to them and help you get rid of them. You can give your cares and concerns to Him; He keeps your heart in peace. Don’t let the “bugs” of anger, strife and sin hang around. They’ll take your mind off of God and His Spirit, they’ll eat your peace. Your enemy knows the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, it does not focus on Him; indeed, it cannot.
But His Spirit grows His life inside of us. His life causes the fruit of the Spirit to grow in us. And it’s not only peace! His life in us also develops love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness and self control. It’s a great combination. As those things begin to grow stronger and stronger in us, we experience a new freedom in Christ.
As we let our mind be governed by His Spirit, the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Adopted into His family, loved and cherished. He leads us and keeps us in His perfect peace when we keep our mind focused on Him. So don’t quench the Spirit, let Him lead you and watch your harvest of life and peace grow.