Have you ever been walking in a strange place and been recognized by someone you know? It’s a strange feeling.
Sometimes you expect to be recognized, and at other times you do not.
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert,” thanks for joining me. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
Some time ago a man in Gainesville Texas had problems with his car. It was in the parking lot of one of the local shopping areas, and hIs battery simply would not crank the engine. A passing motorist saw his plight, and stopped to offer assistance. Since neither of the men had jumper cables, the good samaritan went into one of the stores, bought a set of jumper cables. The men proceeded to jump the battery and get the vehicle started. Deed done, the rescuer gave the original driver the cables and continued upon his way.
Another person standing nearby then came over and shared a video of the incident, informing the motorist that his rescuer had been none other than NFL Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw. While Bradshaw is certainly most famous for his sports career, the former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback is also a servant of Jesus Christ. It was his faith, not his football skills, that were seen that day. As you watch him serve a man he’d never met, you can recognize that Terry Bradshaw had been with Jesus.
I want to be recognised as one who has been with Jesus. Neither fame nor celebrity will amount to anything in eternity. (Not that I’m in much danger from either.) As a preacher once observed, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”
When people encounter you, what strikes them? Is it your physique? Or your vocabulary? Some characteristics are evident immediately, others are only discerned over time. But the fact that we have been with Jesus ought to shine brightly in each encounter. It is only our having been in His presence that can truly impact and change every aspect of who we are. He is forming our character, molding us into His image as we spend time with Him.
Sometimes people are amazed that I’ve spent time with presidents, prime ministers and the pope. What ought to truly amaze them is that I’ve spent time with the King of Kings. It is my time in HIS PRESENCE that has had the greatest impact. My prayer is that is will impact not only this world, but the next.
He alone has the capacity to touch every area of our heart and soul, to transform our sinful lives into channels of His powerful Holy Spirit. to Him belongs all glory and honor for the things He has done in and through we who serve Him. It is His power and His grace we are called to put on display. His love and His offer of forgiveness we are commissioned to proclaim. It is HIM and HIM ALONE who changes lives from the perspective of eternity.
Let’s you and I be recognized as people who have been with Jesus.