If you could spend ten minutes with any person on the planet – who would it be?
How do truly great people come to be seen as leaders and influencers?
Today I’m going to share a secret of true greatness.
Let me begin by saying, “Welcome to Mornings with Bishop Robert,” I’m grateful you decided to join me here today.. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
A group of tourists visiting a picturesque European village were walking by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked him, “So, were any great men born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope, only babies.”
No one is born great. Being born into a royal family cannot assure a place in history, starting life in poverty cannot deny it.
True greatness is achieved by dedication to a cause greater than oneself, by sacrifice and service. And perhaps most of all, humility and a considerations for others lays the foundation for the greatest impact.
Our lives are always shaped by those around us. Finding a mentor who personifies the characteristics you want ruling your life is a great first step. That can begin a process where we gain from their perspective, learn from their experience and benefit from their strength. But the sharpening process requires proximity. And friction. Iron does not sharpen iron when it is simply laid alongside another piece of iron. It requires deliberate pressure, shaping and honing.
Every person who is a born-again believer starts life as a baby in Christ. Whether the new convert is six or sixty, that person is still a new Christian and needs to grow in the Lord. A person who has been saved for forty years and is still a spiritual infant is a tragedy. God intends for us to grow and mature so that we can be a positive influence in the lives of others.
Henry Ford said, “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” A good friend is willing to invest their life into yours; they love you and they help you aspire to grow and become all God has intended you to be. A good friend is someone invested in making you a better person. A great friend loves you so much they are willing to hurt you to help you. Iron sharpens iron. It is not a comfortable process, but it is a necessary one. Dull knives are worthless showpieces, unable to accomplish anything useful.
Jesus and His word will hone you and sharpen you. He will also bring people into your life that He will use to advance your understanding and increase your impact. Look for them.
As you grow in Christ He will bring people into your life that NEED what you have. Invest in them. Be the tool that Christ uses to shape their vision, strengthen their resolve and impact their influence.
Shaping and being shaped, it is a difficult and time consuming process. But discipleship fashions leaders and changes the course of history one life at a time. True greatness comes from letting great people shape your life, and then pouring yourself into others to do the same thing. A life not invested in others is wasted.