If someone isn’t very focused on the here and now or fails to comprehend the present situation, they may be told they have their head in the clouds.
That can’t be a good thing, right?
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” and thanks for popping into my study this morning. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
There are actually lots of idioms in the English language that relate to the head, not just “head in the clouds.” Someone may be said to have their head stuck up their own backside, with varying degrees of vulgarity. One might have lost their head, or got their head turned sideways. In all of these situations, a person might be encouraged to get their head in the game. Each of these has a common theme. The person with the issue is assumed to be oblivious of the gravity of the present situation.
Let’s see if we can connect the idiom and the scripture and learn a lesson that will help us keep our focus better.
Sometimes what we see around us won’t help us to stay on track and reach the destination we want. Or worse, the things we CAN see distract us from the things we ought to be focused on.
God gives us rest when we’re in life’s challenging situation by having us “keep our head in the clouds” where He is. From where He sits, He sees all. He knows precisely what we need to be focused upon, and is more than capable of providing us the specific direction we need. When we set our minds on things that are above, and not on things that are on earth, we gain His heavenly perspective. Then we can rest in Him, His provision, His direction.
A newly licensed pilot was flying his private plane and got caught in a cloud bank that had rolled in over the airport. He was not very experienced in instrument landings, and let the air traffic controller know. As the man in the control tower continued to talk him through his approach, the pilot began to get panicky and raised concerns about possible obstructions. Then a stern voice came over the radio, “You just obey the instructions, I’ll take care of the obstructions.”
If you have been raised with Christ, you’re connected to Him. You and I have access to the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. He’s like a skilled controller sitting in an air traffic control tower of an airport. He’s in a position to see things from a perspective we do not have. We are like the pilot, and the bible is like the instruments in our aircraft; the key to keeping us on track. When the world around us gets foggy with problems that are beyond us, we need to rely on our instruments to keep the plane level and flying in the proper direction. Christ speaks to us through His Holy Spirit, the calm voice of the experienced and expert controller.
Pilots learn that spatial disorientation is when your body is telling you one thing and your flight instruments and aircraft are telling you something totally different. One of the toughest things about learning to fly is learning to trust your instruments – especially when you disagree with what they are telling you. It’s far too easy for pilots to believe what their senses are telling them, and they have to be trained to make their decisions based upon the instruments and not their feelings. Doing that is how pilots survive life-threatening situations.
We can rest in Him and trust His word. When we do, though the situations we struggle with may contain their own sorrow, we will have the joy of knowing He has led us through. He will fill us with His joy, and with it comes His peace and strength.
As for me, I intend to keep my head in the clouds. I can see more clearly from there. Care to join me?