If you knew that you could not fail — What task would you undertake? What goal would you pursue? Within each one of us lies a heart song; a dream or idea that we cannot get rid of. Today I want to encourage you to pursue it, and give you a reason to do so.
It’s such an honor to have you join me today, welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — I look forward to spending this time with you. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today encourages your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
A young boy working in a factory had a desire he could not quench. He wanted to sing. When he turned ten years old, his mother arranged for a voice teacher to evaluate his skill. The teacher was unimpressed to say the least, and said, “You can’t sing. You haven’t any voice at all. Your voice sounds like a wind in the shutters.” He continued to sing on his own because he loved singing. His mother also believed that he could learn to sing. She was very poor, but she hugged him and said, “My boy, I’m going to make every sacrifice to pay for your voice lessons.” When he turned 18, she’d saved enough for him to begin training with a renowned voice teacher. Three years later Enrico Caruso made his operatic debut. Caruso became the most celebrated and highest paid of his contemporaries worldwide, the most admired tenor of the early 20th century and one of the first musicians to document his voice on recordings. (Many of them are STILL being published today.)
As we talk about “Chasing Your Song” this morning, I realize that it may not be an actual “song” within you. It may be a painting, a book, an invention or an idea. It may be a desire to impact a certain people or place with a special skill. It could even be only a faint idea – an impression – at this point. I can’t identify it for you, but you don’t need me to. YOU know what it is, because it resonates within your heart. And I am simply calling the pursuit of your dream — whatever it may be — “Chasing Your Song.”
“Your Song” is there because God has created you on purpose.
You are not an accident. You are part of God’s eternal design. You are here at this time because it’s the exact best time for you to be alive and “Chasing Your Song.” The bible says that you are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for a specific purpose, which God prepared in advance for you to accomplish.
In the original language that word “workmanship” is the same word as the word for “poem.” Every poem has an author. Every poem has a target audience. Each one is carefully crafted and carries a specific message. Poems carry the heart of the author within them. YOU are God’s poem, His masterpiece. “Your Song” lies within you – a dream, an idea or a goal. It may not be completely clear to you – yet. But you know it’s there, because it’s “Your Song.” You may have pushed it down and stuck away in a dark corner of your heart, but it’s not gone. You know it’s not gone.
It can’t be gone, because God created specific good works for you to walk in before you took your first breath. Not only has He created these good things for you to accomplish, but — and here’s the best part — He’s created YOU with the gifts and abilities to do them. With effort, focus and dedication you can develop your gifts into skills and your abilities into talents. With determination and sacrifice you can take a step closer every day to becoming the person you were created to be. And God will walk with you and strengthen you as you do, because He has designed you for the works and the works for you. That, my friend, is exciting news.
Because what it means is this: You cannot fail !!!
The same God who created these things for you to accomplish is telling you DON’T BE AFRAID, FOR I AM WITH YOU. DON’T BE DISCOURAGED, FOR I AM YOUR GOD. He is the one who promises to strengthen you, the one who says, “I will help you, I will uphold you.”
Your life contains the seed of a promise. A gift lies within you. Its greatest fulfilment is found in Christ, so you ought to begin with Him. Ask Jesus what the next steps are as you’re “Chasing Your Song.” He will guide and direct; He will open doors before you.
DON’T BE AFRAID. DON’T BE DISCOURAGED. Don’t let your life go by with your song still in you. Keep “Chasing Your Song.” You were created on purpose, and it’s a purpose you can fulfill in Christ.
With Him, you cannot fail.