When looking for a job, pretty much the first thing a person looks at are the job requirements. What are the skills or licenses required; or the education? Is experience necessary, or is there an on-the-job training program? You’ve got to see if it’s even an option. Good news!!! I’ve got a job that is PERFECT for you.

Before we discuss the onboarding process, welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — having you here makes my day. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!

So, let’s talk about this job, and how I can know that it’s a perfect fit even when thousands of different people are going to see this. It’s simple really — the boss designed the job FOR YOU with your skills, talents, gifts and abilities in mind. And “the Boss”? Well, that Jesus.

Yesterday, in the segment titled “WHAT ARE YOU DOING,” we talked about how life is not about WHAT you do for work, but WHO you’re working for. I said that the WHO impacts the WHY, and that makes all the difference. Of course, we’re talking about a “job” in the sense of a life role, not actual employment; kind of like the “job” of being a parent or a spouse.

The first part of today’s verse asks the question WHAT DOES THE LORD REQUIRE OF YOU? So if you’re willing to consider what “working for Jesus” might look like in your life, I want to lay out a few of the common elements that apply to everyone who says “Yes” to following Jesus.

Those elements are found in the second part of today’s verse, which gives us three answers that lay a foundation for everyone who has decided to follow Jesus in their lives — Act justly. Love Mercy. Walk humbly with your God.


The first part, our call to justice, is an interesting one because its primary focus is upon the weak. How exactly does one “do justice and righteousness?” By exemplifying courage and being a protector of the unprotected. By delivering from the hand of the oppressor those who have been robbed, whether of goods or dignity. By doing no wrong or violence to the resident alien. Bringing justice to the fatherless. Pleading the widow’s cause. Refusing to shed innocent blood. The bible says to do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.


The second aspect of our calling turns our minds and hearts from the oppressed to the oppressors. God calls us to love mercy because He does. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. We carry the message of mercy with us wherever we go. But we’re not just supposed to talk about mercy, we are to be merciful, even as our Father is merciful. Mercy only comes into play when someone is wrong. Mercy triumphs over judgment, because Christ came to call the sinners to repentance. When you know the mercy of God in your own life and have found the freedom that comes from loving Him and walking with Him, you’ll want to see others set free, too.


The third part of this verse shines the light on our own darkness. It is far too easy to become prideful, to forget that we are recipients of the grace of God. Never think that any work God gives you to do in the world is on too small a scale for you to do it. As we walk humbly with him, he opens opportunities before us to serve the King. Sadly, many an opportunity is missed because it shows up looking like work. We each have talents, time and treasure that need to be invested in the work that God has given us to do. As we invest these three, the rewards and the benefits accumulate and overflow.

So that’s it – the foundation of simplicity.

I’m reminded that Jesus says He is the bread of life. Bread – a simple and humble food, eaten by everyone all over the world. Sharing bread can be an act of justice. It can be an act of love, mercy and compassion. It can be an expression of humility. Sharing Jesus is also all three. Jesus is the bread of life.


He wants us to walk with a heart of love through a world that is unloved often looks unlovable. He invites us to follow Him as He steps into situations that need His grace. He asks us to do it with a humble heart, recognizing that we are just beggars letting other hungry beggars know where we found bread.

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