The storms of life can be wild and devastating. We are all going to face them. So it really isn’t a question of “IF” but a question of “WHEN.” But by far the more important question is “HOW?”
That’s the question we’ll explore together today on “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — thanks for joining me. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
HOW can you and I face life’s toughest challenges with greater strength? Or even, as strange as this question may seem — HOW can we face them with true inner peace?
It can be done, you know.
I wish it were true that if you give your life to Jesus Christ you’ll never have any more pain, no struggles or challenges, a thriving business, an amazing church experience, a wonderful marriage and perfect children. It isn’t. No one on the planet gets to choose to live a problem-free life. We DO get to choose how we will deal with the issues, the pain and the struggles.
So what’s the best way to deal with pain and suffering in our lives?
The secret is found in today’s verse, which says BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.
It seems all too simple, until you try it. But God’s word is true, living and powerful; God Himself watches over His word, God keeps His word. We can’t choose whether or when to face suffering or pain; we can only choose to face suffering and pain God’s way or our way.
His way begins by being still before Him. When crisis strikes we want to run around, take control, manage the issues. We want to take our best strategy and start working it right now. God says begin by being STILL. He knows that our best strategy may not be the best strategy. He knows that we don’t see everything. He knows that You and He need to face this together to get the best possible outcome. Relying on Him requires remembering who He truly is … we need to KNOW that He is God. Not an intellectual knowledge, but a deep, experiential and intimate knowledge.
When crisis and pain invade our lives, God Himself says to us ….
BE STILL – Don’t let the emergency rule you, let Me rule you. Take a deep breath, pause and listen for My voice. I will be with you in the storm, and I will never leave you or forsake you.
KNOW THAT I AM GOD – My love is pure. My power endless. My capacity unlimited. I am not the author of evil and pain, but I can and will take that which the enemy intended for evil and turn it to your benefit if you will walk through this with Me. For I work all things together for good to those who love Me and are called according to my purpose.
As we face trials, temptations, challenges we need to choose to be still before Him and remind ourselves that He is God, He reminds us that we are His. As He does, we will KNOW that He is God. We will KNOW His presence and His peace. He will speak comfort, and we should receive it. He will give wisdom, and we should employ it. He will speak direction, and we should follow it.
We can choose to suffer God’s way or our way. That choice changes the outcome every time. Trusting Him is the choice that changes everything. So take a deep breath. He says, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.