There are some things that aren’t designed for folks who lack a certain level of intestinal fortitude. Sometimes, you just have to suck it up, untwist your knickers and keep moving. Life takes guts.
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — thanks for joining me in the place where we tell it like it is! Hero, wimp or something in between, you’re always welcome here. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend! Join our email list to get a free copy of my book COUNT TO ONE, get Mornings with Bishop Robert sent directly to your inbox each morning, and lots of other great benefits. Click the link in the description.
Having a heart attack will get your attention in a hurry! One of my spiritual sons had a physical exam and got a clean bill of health. Then he went home and died. He had a heart attack right there in his living room. (Thankfully, God raised him from the dead after the paramedics decided there was nothing else they could do; but that’s another story. Message me if you want the link to it.) You probably know several folks who stepped into eternity with no notice because of a heart attack. I know I do.
You and I face heart attacks of a different nature every day. Different but no less severe, no less life threatening. We are attacked by the vile viciousness of this world as it attacks our hope, our vision, our calling and our loved ones. Our hearts are attacked by fear, by hopelessness and by the deliberate plan of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy us.
Hopeless people resort to desperate measures. During the COVID crisis the rate of suicides and suicide attempts increased by as much as 50 percent in some populations. The causes were all kinds of “heart attacks” – feeling isolated and unconnected, being the victim of child abuse, uncontrollable substance abuse and various types of family-related problems.
Into this mess today’s verse brings the joyful pronouncement that GOD REMAINS THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART
He has provided for all our needs, He is closer than we can imagine. How does He touch us?
By the SACRAMENTS His BODY AND BLOOD infuse our very soul with the presence and power of God. The real presence of Christ upon our lips.
By His WORD the infallible scriptures instill His life and His strength. The inspired word of Christ at our fingertips.
By the SPIRIT we are empowered to press on as He responds to our need. The very Spirit of Christ filling us with His strength.
By the SERVICE of His people, the community of faith He has gathered around us, He upholds us. The hands and feet of Jesus holding us and walking with us.
When the enemy comes in like a flood –
When life situations try to wash away my foundations –
When the fears assail me and attempt to isolate me –
Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
His real presence, His word, His grace and His people all are available to us.
When the heart is attacked, a rapid and focused response is required; lives hang in the balance.
When my friend Terry had a massive heart attack, his wife drove him to the hospital. She did not consider stopping at the grocery store to pick up eggs on the way. She was focused and determined. She knew that his life was in her hands.
If you’re heart is under attack today, you need a rapid and focused response, too.
Don’t let heart attacks cripple you , your family or your ministry.
Don’t allow yourself to be isolated.
REMEMBER that help and hope are only a prayer away.
REMEMBER that God’s presence and His word will sustain you.
REMEMBER that His Spirit, His grace and His gifts are available to you.
REMEMBER that God’s people are a key part of your support system.
Oh yes, and remember one more thing ….