Often times cover ups are big stories. The more famous the figure involved the greater the scandal (and the news coverage). Well here’s the story of a BIG COVER UP you don’t want to miss.
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — thanks for joining me … I’m grateful that you’re here this morning. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
Reading “COVER UP” in the headline of a news feed is a REAL attention grabber.
The article that typically follows has details of some event or other that the perpetrator is trying to hide. All too often there’s some salacious combination of sex, money, thievery and other nasty stuff. People who ought to know better and are expected to behave better didn’t, and now they don’t want anyone else to find out. Sadly, the Church has fallen into this cesspool, too; often making front page news with our failures.
I wish I could sit here and say that I’ve never been guilty of sin. It would make writing this devotional so much easier! If only I could piously announce that I’ve never stolen ANYTHING, nor looked at ANYONE lustfully. Never lost my temper, never had a lie pass my lips. Ahhh, if only. But that’s not the case. I’ve done all those things and many, many more. And so have you.
Jesus faced EVERY temptation you and I have ever faced. But He never fell into sin. Not even once.
I could sit here this morning and talk about how He overcame temptation, or explore how He was able to apply the Word of God as a shield. But there’s a different aspect of this verse I’d like to focus on.
Since He faced ALL of the same testings we do, He understands perfectly.
There’s no temptation that has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. We are all in the same sorry lot. Jesus understands that. And because He is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it and overcome it with personal victory. But when we fail (and we ALL do fail) – He is also the one who COVERS us with His righteousness.
If there were ONE sin that Jesus had committed, then that area could not be covered by His grace. But His perfect obedience makes a way for ALL OF OUR SIN to be forgiven. His grace is perfect because His performance was perfect. No matter how you’ve failed, fallen and fouled up — JESUS has you covered.
Jesus offers to cover your sin with His righteousness. You can be justified by His sacrifice. That word – JUSTIFIED – is a legal term. What Jesus does is such a complete purification that it will be JUST-AS-IF-I’D never sinned. Not just covered up, but eradicated. Just like the odor-killing claims made by Febreze, being justified eliminates all traces of sin.
JESUS has you covered. All you need to do is ASK. Now THAT is really good news.
You ought to tell somebody!