Have you ever been ready to board an aircraft and been informed that you’ve been upgraded to the first class cabin? Ahhh, there’s just something special about a free upgrade!
Trust is an interesting thing. Well placed trust can open incredible rewards.
I recall reading about a man who looked out at some birds in his yard. The day was gray and cold; a layer of snow covered the ground. The birds were searching in vain for some food, pecking through the snow. Stepping outside, he tossed them handfuls of bread crumbs. He called to the birds, inviting them to come and get some food. Their fear would not give way to their hunger; so they stayed away from both the food and the one who wanted to give it to them. They did not trust him.
How often are we like small birds avoiding God, who is the giver of all good things. He sees, plans, offers, waits, gives, hopes, and calls out to us. But without trust, it is difficult to come close enough to receive His gifts.
I’ve sat by and watched people deliberately stay away from what God is offering them, insisting on living life their way. And doing a horrible job of it, by the way. Family, work and reputation destroyed; they insist that they don’t want to live life God’s way. Even as their inner peace and emotional well-being are eroding away, they insist that their way is best – they won’t come close enough to God to receive His gifts of forgiveness, peace, joy and healing. So they stand aside from His gifts, His grace, His blessing and His restoration while they starve. So sad. That’s not traveling first class.
But let’s be totally frank – even we who try to walk in faith and trust God have our struggles. Sometimes we listen to the lie that the enemy tells us and begin to accept fear as a substitute for faith. But, friends, that’s the economy ticket!
Sure, the the psalms encourage us to say “When I am afraid, I will trust in Him.” And that WILL get you out of your fear. But can I offer you a free upgrade here?
Trust is the antidote to fear. It is like one of those ballistic riot shields often carried by law enforcement officers, it blocks whatever the enemy throws at you. The lies of the enemy can only get to you if you decide to drop your shield! The place of trust is a better place to stand; shielded by the faith, favor and love of God. The Lord is our strength and our song! Sing His praises when the enemy attacks and tosses fear and doubt at you. No matter what happens, in every circumstance you can take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish every flaming arrow the evil one tosses at you. THAT’S traveling first class!
American evangelist DL Moody’s favorite Bible verse was Isaiah 12:2: “I will trust, and not be afraid.” He used to say: “You can travel first class or second class to heaven. Second class is, ‘What time I am afraid, I will trust.’ First class is, ‘I will trust, and not be afraid.’ “
Jesus paid the FULL PRICE for your ticket to heaven when He died on the cross and then rose again. Follow Him and you’ll surely get there.
If you want my advice, first class is a better way to travel.