Claims and disclaimers, they are all around us. Some of them seem outlandish. Others seem silly. Some are flat out ridiculous.
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — thanks for joining me … I’m grateful that you’re here. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
I’ve seen some crazy warnings. A superman costume bears a warning label that says, “This costume does not enable flight or super strength.” Gosh, I was hoping …. An electric iron is labeled with a warning that users should not iron clothes on body. So evidently you’ll need to find a different solution for wrinkles in your skin. One of my personal favorites is a toilet brush that has a warning label which says, “Do not use for personal hygiene.” Yuck!
Even crazier than “warnings” like this are some outlandish product claims. A weight loss product claimed you could “block calories” by sprinkling a generous amount of its product on food before you ate it. Coca-Cola falsely claimed its Vitaminwater brand could promote healthy joints, reduce the risk of eye disease. An old commercial for Camel cigarettes claimed that doctors preferred the brand. Lucky Strike claimed its cigarettes were an appetite suppressant for women. (Sorry, guys.)
Today’s verse makes an incredible and amazing claim. YOUR UNFAILING LOVE IS BETTER THAN LIFE ITSELF.
Wow, you’ll not likely see that claim made by your favorite breakfast cereal or cologne. How can a claim such as this be substantiated.
For something to be “better than life itself” I would think it must have certain characteristics. First, it would have to last LONGER than life. Second, it would have to IMPROVE every aspect of life, both here and in the hereafter. Third, it would need to be totally transferrable, available to be given to anyone; because life itself is capable of being created (“transferred”) by the sexual union. And finally, it would need to have universal applicability; because if it could not impact every part of your life it could not be better than life itself.
God’s unfailing love is just that — UN-failing. It never fails because He never fails. It is not some sort of a magic shield against the stains and pains of life, but in any and every situation it adds His strength, His grace and His peace. Unfailingly certain, and universally applicable. there is no situation I would rather face without the unfailing love of God. It doesn’t make every “boo-boo” go away; it does convey His super strength to face every challenge and crisis life throws at us. (Better than a superman costume.)
His unfailing love will not start failing when our bodies do. His love carries on and accompanies us as we enter the life after life. We don’t know much about the bodies we will have in the next life, except that they will be like Christ’s resurrected body. Paul writes that “what is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.” Imperishable, glorious and powerful. No wrinkles to be ironed out here!
For every characteristic I’ve mentioned, for every characteristic you can think of that I didn’t — God’s unfailing love passes the test well. It improves every aspect of our daily living. It lasts longer than anything we have on earth. It is available to any and all who want it.
(It even impacts your personal hygiene and helps you “clean up” your life.) 🙂
WOW!!!! What a gift. Better than life itself!