Sometimes you need to know when to stop, rest and regroup. We all get there, and there’s much to be gained from those times, too.
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — thanks for joining me … I’m grateful that you’re here.
My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
Well, I’m obviously NOT sitting in a disorganized room of a house in the process of packing and moving. I’m in the woods in the middle of nowhere! I’m not wearing my clergy shirt, and couldn’t even get to the box I think it might be in.
In the military, we have a briefing method called BLUF. It means “Bottom Line Up Front” So, my friends, here it is — I’m going to be taking a hiatus from the writing and producing of “Mornings with Bishop Robert.” This has been a matter of deliberate prayer for quite some time, and I’ve been reticent to take this step. But I feel that the Lord has directed me to do it, and I want to obey. So now please allow me a few minutes of explanation.
The primary reason is that, unfortunately, Facebook de-platformed me in March and immediately wiped a million or more exposures a month and several thousand followers from the audience. In one fell swoop, everything I had published and people had saved dissipated from their devices. I’ve made several efforts to appeal their decision, engaged individuals in the business to approach Facebook senior executives, and several other courses of action. I know Christian ministers who had five million followers on Facebook that were de-platformed, and not been able to get things turned around. Neither have I.
Secondarily, my efforts to rebuild via Youtube, other social media and various podcast platforms has not been very effective. This has meant multiple hours of effort on a daily basis to reach a very limited group of people.
Third the growing demands of ministry within the CEEC.CHURCH are taking more and more time, and I have a responsibility to serve well in my assigned role.
Fourthly, (yes, so many reasons !!!) the moving process has eliminated my ability to have a an office from which well-done recordings can be made, Quality is a significant element of any podcast, and lack of it will drive audience away. The Lord is worthy of the best we have to offer, and I’m not in a position to do that just now.
I love and appreciate each one of you who have continued with me through this mission, and who have helped me introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and helped them get to know Him and His word personally – and better by sharing these devotional messages.
I intend to pray for wisdom about the best use of the time, talent and treasure the Lord has given me. I’ve learned a great deal by writing these daily messages over the last two years. God has taught me things about His word I’d never seen, and given me illustrations that were astounding to me. I’ve been very blessed by the many messages of encouragement, reports of answered prayer and so much more.
So this is not “goodbye” but “see you later.” I’m confident that the Lord has a greater plan, and one that will be a blessing to many, many people. So I would ask that you continue to pray for me, and I will continue to pray for you. If you’d like, you can go to the “Mornings with Bishop Robert” channel on YouTube and watch some of the 450+ videos that are still posted there.
As I leave, I’d like to ask the Lord’s blessing on you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord turn His face towards you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord life up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.
And may the blessing of God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit — come upon you and remain with you.