April 1, 2023

One thing is certain about five year olds. If something pops into their head, it won’t be long until it pops out of their mouth!
One thing is certain about five year olds. If something pops into their head, it won’t be long until it pops out of their mouth!
Love wins. Every time. In fact, love wins even when it LOOKS LIKE love is not winning!
People who’ve been set free should live like it. Do you feel as though you’re trapped in a situation or problem that can’t change? If that’s you, there’s a path to finding...
Nowadays it seems like everybody is offended at someone else. And offended people can also get very loud and accusatory! So how should you respond to someone who’s been offended?
In everyday situations, a common enemy can quickly create an alliance. Sometimes instantly. When you’ve got a common enemy that threatens your life, some things have to change.
Enemy! It’s a strong word. If you have one, you need a strategy for victory. Let me tell you two things. #1 – You have an enemy. #2 – I can tell you...
Keeping in step is a significant part of marching. It requires focus, an ability to listen and execute commands, and an awareness of those around you. Just like faith.
People act differently when they know they are being watched. They are MUCH more careful about what they say and do. That’s something that can be used to your advantage!
News flash :::: Workouts make you stronger. Only the muscles you exercise will keep working over the long term. Not exactly shocking info, right? There’s a spiritual parallel here.
Performing a skill or talent before a president or king is an incredible opportunity. Can you imagine getting such an invitation? Well, I’ve got news for you – You Did!!