February 20, 2023

Never let a person’s words define who is and who is not at war with you, only their actions. Especially important in spiritual matters!
Never let a person’s words define who is and who is not at war with you, only their actions. Especially important in spiritual matters!
When your heart is broken or a precious relationship has painfully ended – where can you find comfort? Thankfully, there are people who know the answer, and they can help.
Stock shortages continue at stores all over, it’s amazing the things that you CANNOT find no matter where you look! But today I’ll share two things that are NEVER out of stock, and where...
Deciding who can and cannot be included in your group or on your team is a big deal! Lots of people argue about being inclusive nowadays. Have you heard of the MOST INCLUSIVE group...
Mediation is a possible way to avoid getting dropped in front of a judge and getting found guilty. If that happens, you’re going to get jail time and have to pay a penalty. ...
Some people only look at one factor when evaluating privilege or favor. But significant issues can hardly ever be reduced to only one factor. But here’s a new way to look at this...
Bishop Robert condemned the recent actions of the General Synod of the Church of England to approve the blessing of same-sex unions and raised concerns about the Archbishop of Canterbury’s lack of biblical leadership in...
There are some things that can be expressed by language and words alone. Love is not one of those things! A true display of love requires that you DO something.
Saying that you love someone is very important. But just TELLING them isn’t going to have a lasting impact. You’ve got to do more than just talk !!
We’ve all messed up and offended somebody. No exceptions. But an apology goes a long way in bringing healing.