May 27, 2022
Experience is a great teacher. But there are TWO types of experience you can learn from. Do YOU know which one is best ??
Experience is a great teacher. But there are TWO types of experience you can learn from. Do YOU know which one is best ??
Why bother to become part of a church ? Aren’t they all just filled with hypocrites? Here’s why …
Gen X, Gen Z, the G.I. Generation or somewhere in between. Where do you fit in? And which generation is the most important one? Find out this morning …
How can you restore a relationship? We’ve all got lessons to learn in this area! Here’s some great advice from an expert …. at messing up
Racism has important social implications, but it is fundamentally a moral and spiritual issue. You eliminate racism by changing hearts.
Sometimes having the power go out has a real benefit. It can even save your life.
Graduations are nice, but what you’ve learned as you studied is key! Some things people study have limited usefulness; other things have great impact. But here is THE KEY to guaranteed success and prosperity …
Stepping in something nasty can ruin your shoes. But stepping into the trap the enemy has laid for you will ruin much more than that! Here’s how to get out of every trap every time …
Have you ever been standing out in the open when missiles started falling. I HAVE !! And I learned some amazing lessons in the process. Let me share some of them with you ….
Enemies of all sorts use IEDs to destroy and disrupt. Yet even in the face of exploding things and people, we have a path to victory. How can YOU be an overcomer? Here’s how …