March 19, 2022
OO7’s license to kill was fictional. Mine isn’t. Let me tell you about it …
OO7’s license to kill was fictional. Mine isn’t. Let me tell you about it …
What do you do when you’re over your head and don’t know which way is up anymore? Well, you could try this …
Life can be a hard teacher, and the world can be a cruel taskmaster. But you DON’T have to learn every lesson the hard way. This is one of those lessons …
It’s been said that when you need help and seconds count, calling someone who’s only minutes away isn’t the best answer. I’ve got a better one for you …
When your world seems to be spinning out of control, what can you do? Well, there’s always at least ONE THING that will make a huge difference ….
The Church hasn’t done a very good job of loving one another SO WELL that it compels people to Christ. Isn’t it time to change that ???
What do you need to know, and when do you need to know it? Here’s the answer you’ve been searching for …
Storm Chasers can teach us some incredible lessons about conquering fear. These lessons will actually save your life.
What if you ran your life according to the rules of a television game show? Could you make the right choice and win the grand prize? Lets see …
DOING does not count unless love motivates it; but LOVING does not count unless doing demonstrates it.