Message from Yambio:
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
On Friday, March 15, we launched our fellowship and bible study in zones around Yambio in homes. It was such good evening at the house of Charles Badubara where we concluded today’s fasting and prayers.

Deacon Kanido Eyobo lead the bible study and the Book of 1 Samuel vs 1 was read where we learnt about Hanna how she experienced hardship and through prayers and fasting God heard her prayers.
We shall continue to have Bible Studies in various homes two days a week on Tuesdays and Fridays, next Tuesday it will be in my house.

The major issues at the top of our prayers and fasting are asking God to lead us to the prosperously new CEEC.CHURCH Diocese of South Sudan and asking God to make it possible for our Bishop Designate and the delegation to have successful travel to the United States and participate in Bishop Designate Yepeta’s consecration as planned. We are also praying about many personal requests follows during this Lent time.
Please pray for us in South Sudan.