Bishop Yepeta Arrives In South Sudan

by Charles Wote – CEEC.CHURCH South Sudan

Greetings to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the CEEC.CHURCH around the world. We rejoice in the return of Bishop Yepeta!

On Tuesday May 14th, 2019, Bishop Yepeta Nathan Sika Usala returned to Yambio, the first Sudanese CEEC.CHURCH Bishop of South Sudan.

Bishop Yepeta was welcomed at Yambio International Airport by both the congregation of Christ the King Church and the Government officials of Gbudue State.

The preparation at the Yambio Airstrip to welcome Bishop Yepeta includes groups of singers and dancers to honor his arrival.

Church and Gbudue State leaders await the arrival of Bishop Yepeta
Bishop Yepeta receives a wreath to honor him upon his consecration as Bishop.
Hon. Badagbu Daniel Rimbasa, the Governor of the Gbudue State,
addresses those gathered at Christ the King Church in Yambio.
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