The International College of Bishops

The International College of Provincial Archbishops is the supreme council and magisterium of the worldwide Communion. The purposes of said International College are to provide governing representation and oversight for all jurisdictions of the CEEC.CHURCH: and to give direction, vision, encouragement, and to facilitate coordination, cooperation, and growth, that the Great Commission may be fulfilled.

The International College sets the international direction and agenda of the CEEC.CHURCH, establishes standards and canon law, ratifies the selection of Bishops, validates the creation of Provinces and other international jurisdictions and ministries, and serves as the highest level of accountability for the CEEC.CHURCH.

Bishop Primus

Vijay Raju

We must we stay fast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord and knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord.

General Secretary

Robert Gosselin

Our diversity is supposed to be our strength, not a cause for division. Jesus calls us to communion with one another, not just with Him. We have a greater call to unity … a greater mission to accomplish.

North America

Vince McLaughlin


Yepeta Sika Nathan Usala

North America

Charles Travis

South America

Misael Carmenates, OSB

Ecumenical Officer

Rev. Canon Fr.
Phil Harris

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