SYNOD 2023

You’re Registered for “Called … Equipped … Sent”

WHEN: Wed Sep 20 thru Sun Sep 24
WHERE: BEACH CHURCH in Virginia Beach, VA

What Happens Now?

Check your email for the registration confirmation.

Double check the info you sent. Let us know of any corrections you’d like made.

You’ll begin to receive synod update emails with the latest information on event schedule.

You can check the SYNOD 2023 web page for FAQs and updates.

You’ll get your lodging assignment by the end of August.

We’re choosing from the best of the best AirBnB options available in Virginia Beach.

Make your travel arrangement to arrive in Virginia Beach VA on the afternoon of Wednesday Sept 20. FLY INTO NORFOLK VA.

You’ll be able to check into your lodging after 3:00pm.

Synod is a highlight of belonging in this Communion.

It’s hard to describe the power of our gathering together, there’s a synergy that infuses everyone who attends with renewed vision.

Bishop Chuck Travis

Details, Details


  • Transportation to/from your lodging to all Synod events
  • Lodging in one of Virginia Beach’s beautiful Bed & Breakfasts.
  • All Conference meals. Sunset Snack on the beach on Wednesday. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Breakfast on Sunday.
  • Conference binder with ministry materials
  • And … some surprises you’re sure to enjoy and treasure


  • Personal Souvenirs
  • Feeling like you’re a Lone Ranger
  • Your personal prayers and efforts to make the most of this time together

So start praying and preparing your heart.
We’ll see YOU in Virginia Beach!

We’re Getting Your Room Ready

Our Synod team has been scouring the best-of-the best BnB’s available to lockdown comfortable lodging with many extra – at a fraction of the price of a single hotel room! We’ll have the assignments completed by the end of August, and we’ll let you know exactly where you’re staying as soon as possible.

Enjoy your private room and enjoy the company of other Synod attendees. We’ll be placing our guests in BnB’s with four to seven bedrooms. Plenty of space. Extraordinary comfort. More peace and quiet.

Have a look below at some of the BnB’s were currently in the process of booking. You’re sure to enjoy any of them!

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