~A Commission on World Ministry Report from Bishop Bill Pezzutti, Rev Jennifer Sporl Palmer & Rev. Deacon Rosie Pezzutti ~
In September Reverend Jennifer, Deacon Rosie, and I traveled to the Diocese of South Sudan. It was a teaching and exploratory visit to the diocese. We were warmly greeted by Bishop Yepeta and his church family when we landed in Yambio. The Bishop and his leadership team were gracious hosts and they demonstrated great love and hospitality throughout our entire visit.

A few take aways from our visit:
1. They have an incredible passion for the Gospel. In spite of the many challenges, they have a plan to plant 50 new churches in the diocese over the next 12-24 months. A majority of those churches will be in the Congo.

2. We learned what true worship can look like in spite of challenges. Their services were four hours long and all of the people in every service worshipped the Father with all their heart.
3. Under the leadership of Bishop Yepeta, there was a strong desire and plan to raise up the next generation of leaders to carry on the Kingdom work in the diocese.

In spite of their passion for his Kingdom, they have many challenges. Clean drinking water is a major issue. Our team committed to raise money for three wells. The first well is almost complete (see photos) and the second well will be started at the St. Andrew parish in the next two weeks.

Would you like to be a part? We need another $2000 to complete the funding on the 3rd. well. You can make donations directly on our CEEC website by clicking the GIVE button and designate it for South Sudan – Wells.
In addition to clean water, they need to develop micro-businesses to develop financial resources to make the diocese self sustaining. We are working with an organization, Activate Global, to see if they can assist the diocese. We have a zoom call with them and our diocesan leadership in December.
Please pray.