It’s all too easy to forget things. Even important things.
I remember reading about a florist who would send flowers for a missed anniversary and take the blame (for a fee) just so the spouse could look as though they had not forgotten. I’m certainly not encouraging lying, but just pointing out the lengths that some people will go. Most of us HATE having forgotten something important.
Yesterday many of you “forgot” to let the whole world know what God has done for you. ?
I’m not berating you, of course; only trying to be a voice of encouragement. This is the essence of discipleship and growth. Allowing one who has come alongside you to speak lovingly into your life about things they see.
In our walk with Christ, we cannot “forget” to do good. Life is far too busy and the demands of daily living will distract us from that which is truly important.
One day Jesus visited the home of some friends in Bethany, a small village near Jerusalem. Mary was focused on one thing – listening to Jesus. Martha was focused on a hundred and one things. Welcoming guests, checking the food, and the several details of serving. To everything there is a season, but we can get so caught up in doing things that we get distracted. The wrong things get the most attention; the necessary things get overlooked.
In our day to day lives, there are plenty of things to do. No one can do everything, right! So that means we must make choices about what does and what does not get done today. A wise person will deliberately get better and better about the choices they make. They will review the outcomes and measure them against what is truly important. They ll consider whether they’ve made the best choices today, and how they can make better ones tomorrow.
It is in that light that the writer of Hebrews reminds us, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others.”
I love that the sentence begins with “AND” – because we all have plenty of OTHER things screaming for our attention.
“Today I have to call the dentist, get some shopping done, attend some meetings, prepare a teaching for Sunday, etc, etc, etc.” It seems like today’s list goes on and on. AND !!!! AND don’t forget to do good!!!
Love is expressed in doing, as well as in being.
Our enemy will do his best to get our focus off DOING the things of God, and get our focus on doing anything else. If he can’t get you to be a “Judas,” he’ll settle for making you a “Martha” who is anxious and troubled about many things — but has missed the main thing.
So, what is the “MAIN THING” God has for you to do today. It may be a making a call or writing a note of encouragement. Perhaps it is building a stronger relationship with someone in your life. Whatever it is, there is something He has for you to do … today. Ask Him, then listen. Let His spirit guide and direct you as you learn that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
So, don’t forget to DO what God is calling you to do.