Team communication when executing a mission, especially one being undertaken deep in enemy occupied territory, is critical.
There are a lot of things you can improvise when you are in territory controlled by the enemy. If your resupply gets cut off, or if you are so deep that you have no resupply, you can always “borrow “the things you need from those around you. You may be grabbing clothing, food, possibly even weapons and ammunition. You may have to adapt to a changing local environment that the mission plan did not originally anticipate or provide for. But if you lose communication, then you are isolated. And, trust me, isolated ain’t good.
Communication with your command or your support team is frequently quick, and might even sound cryptic. But the title of today’s article, “Roger, Charlie Mike” will be a familiar one to people with a background in the United States military, and possibly others, too.
ROGER was the original word attached to the letter “R” when the US created a spelling alphabet designed to eliminate confusion between letters that might sound alike over poor quality radio communication. (The current word, adopted for all NATO nations, is “Romeo”.). But, even with the change, the word ROGER stuck and has not been changed. It stands for “Received and understood.” It gets used as “Roger,” “Roger That,” and even the occasional “Roger, Wilco.” WILCO means “Will Comply.”
CHARLIE MIKE is the military abbreviation for those two letters, the letter “C” and the letter “M”. That reply will often come from your command and as a simple and succinct order to “Continue the Mission.”
So what, you may ask, does any of this have to do with one Peter 3:12? It’s all about mission communication.
Our mission is simple. Go into all the world and make disciples. Teach them to obey everything Christ has commanded them. The great part of that commission, our CO-mission with every believer on the planet, is that we are not ever out of communication with our command staff. Because the eyes of the Lord are watching over those who are doing right. He is the Christian’s keyhole satellite system. We are never anywhere that He cannot observe, and watch over. Air support is always available.
His ears are open to our prayers. We are never in a situation when God cannot hear us.
I’m reminded of an old mobile phone company advertisement that ran in the United States for over a decade. That’s a long time to run a single theme in accompanies commercials. But the line was repeated over and over. “Can you hear me now?” And, after getting a positive response in his ear piece of his phone, he’d reply “Good!”
Our God always hears us. His ears are open to our prayers. His eyes watch over us. And as our prayers go up to him in the middle of the mission, he is listening and he is involved. Supporting us with gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Occasionally, as I face challenges and send urgent prayers heavenward, I can almost hear the rapid reply from my command. “Roger, Charlie Mike. “
Translation: “Message received, I hear you. CONTINUE THE MISSION.”
I recall that I’m not alone. I remind myself the eyes of my Lord are watching over me. He has my back. Nothing escapes his eye.
Will there be battles? Of course! That’s what we signed up for.
Will there be difficulties and challenges? Of course! But He’s watching. And He’s listening. And He’s providing support.
Our job is simple. (I didn’t say easy, that is a very different word.) But the job is clear.