Today’s devotional will be short and to the point. Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever.

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month multiple nations around the world pause to remember those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy.

Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever.

We owe a debt that cannot be repaid, only honored. Perhaps my perspective on this is particularly sharpened because I have lost comrades in arms. It has been said that , for those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. That may be quite true, but it does not excuse a failure to remember. Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever.

One of the most moving things I have experienced was the opportunity to participate in Israel’s remembrance of her fallen soldiers. At precisely 11:00am, the alert sirens begin to blare all across the tiny nation. Wherever they are and whatever they are doing – everyone simply STOPS! Highways cease all movement, and people exit their vehicles to stand silently. Shops stop selling their wares, people stop walking upon sidewalks, diners put down their forks — and EVERYONE STANDS. The sirens wail for two minutes, and no one moves. Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever.

When someone has chosen to give their life for yours, that very act demands honor. It is an act so utterly selfless that to brush it aside without truly and deliberately considering their sacrifice and motivation is crass and rude. Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever. Some things demand careful reflection and consideration.

Take time today to remember anyone who has given their life for yours.

Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever.

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