What’s the last thing that made you cry??
Was it perhaps the snub of someone you love very much? Or perhaps the death of a spouse, child, parent of a close friend? Or even the death of a relationship you treasure?
When we experience the deepest of life’s pains, it’s almost always accompanied by tears. Today, let’s talk about pain and tears, and what to do with them.
Welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — if your heart has ever felt deep pain, you’re going to appreciate our time together today. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better ! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend!
No one will pass through this life without experiencing deep, cutting pain.
Today’s verse says HE WILL WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS.
Facing pain and grief when alone is the worst. It is always better if you can share life’s toughest times with people who care about you and the situation.
In life’s toughest times, it’s easy for people to feel isolated. I’ve found that being deliberate about drawing close to God in those times of anguish is the greatest source of strength.
First of all because He truly cares. Jesus understands every pain we face. He stood at the tomb of Lazarus and wept. Though He knew that He was about to call him forth from the grave, Jesus also knew not only that his family was facing the pain of his death, but that they would have to face it again soon. He knew that the Pharisees would become angry that Lazarus had been raised from the dead, and would set out to kill him again to eliminate the proof of Jesus’ miracle.
God cares so deeply that He actually keeps track of the sorrows we face. The pain we face counts. The tears we shed are not unimportant or wasted. The scriptures tell us that God collects our tears and records our affliction in a book. In other words, He’s not distant. He gives us strength when we ask Him.
The problem of pain is an age old question. People wonder, “If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t he just eliminate evil and pain?” The underlying assumptions are either that He is not able to eradicate evil and pain, or that He doesn’t care about us and the misery we are in. Neither is true.
We live in a world that has abandoned the ways of God, and become more and more secular, rebellious and sinful. And the repercussions of society’s disobedience are destructive and painful. God has made His love plain, and has provided a way out through Jesus Christ. God demonstrates His love for us in that, while you and I (and everyone else) were still in sin, Christ died for us.
But HERE is the most important element — love is ALWAYS a choice. It cannot be forced or demanded; true love cannot be compelled. So God offers us His love, and invites us to offer Him ours. However, He does not make us automatons with no free will. You can program a dolly with an electric voice to say “I Love You!” over and over again, and she will do so everytime you press the button to make her speak. But THAT is not love. God doesn’t do that to us.
He invites us to love, encourages us to trust, and promises that HE WILL WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS. So begin by asking Him to restore your joy. Begin by making a decision to praise Him for His grace, His strength and His faithfulness. That’s right – the answer to overcoming pain is PRAISE.
Knowing Christ. It may not SEEM like the answer, but it truly IS the very best one; for He opens every other door.