It’s going to happen to the bravest of warriors. Sooner or later, despite all the training and preparation. No matter how strong and reliable those engaged in the battle with you are. Fear will attack.

There IS an answer. Before we jump into today’s teaching, welcome to “Mornings with Bishop Robert” — I’m truly grateful you’ve decided to pop in this morning. My goal is to introduce people to the Jesus they never knew, and help them get to know Him and His word personally – and better! If our time together today speaks to your heart, then let me invite you to like, subscribe and share it with a friend.

It may seem kind of strange to be speaking about fear after the focus of the last several lessons. If you’re fulfilling your job requirements by going out and loving your neighbors as yourself in the safest place in the world, part of a “super team,” empowered by mega strength and protected by an uber shield — WHY would you possibly be afraid, right?

Well, in a perfect world KNOWING all these things would ward off all fear every time. But, in case you hadn’t noticed, we’re not living in a perfect world … YET! Let’s face it — what we KNOW and what we FEEL don’t always line up. So what do you do when fear strikes?


Friends – THAT is what you do. You remind yourself of all the things that are true. You deliberately choose a SUPERNATURAL response to fear, inviting God to give you His peace; asking Him to calm your fear and give you the grace to walk in faith. You remember the story of the five smooth stones and how God gave David victory over the giant that stood so threateningly before him.

Don’t be surprised by the efforts of the enemy to destroy you. Of course the enemy will attack you with fear. He hates God and everyone who serves Him, followers of Jesus are the bane of the enemy. If he can just stop you from acting in faith and trusting God, his battle will be easier.

Here’s the truth. God IS truly God, and He is in control. It is when our faith is challenged that we learn its great strength. Our faith in Jesus Christ and HIs power to sustain and protect is well founded.

The Muslim puts faith in the Koran and Mohammed.
The Buddhist puts faith in little statues and dead ancestors.
The Humanist puts faith in himself.
The Religious person puts faith in his works.
The Materialist puts faith in his wealth.

But the awful lesson is that faith is worthless in itself. If faith is not properly founded, it can lead to nothing other than disaster. Faith is only as good as its object. We who follow Jesus place our faith in Him.

the one who came, lived and died to demonstrate His awesome power.
the one who heals with a word, raises the dead and promises that His life in us will bring us safely to eternity with Him.
the one who has never abandoned us, and promises that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us.
the one who fills us with His Holy Spirit and power, and comforts us from within.

Fear yields to faith when Christ is the foundation. Peace that passes understanding – peace that doesn’t make logical sense because the circumstances that brought fear haven’t changed – His peace calms our inner fears.

And as it does, we learn the value of our faith.

If our faith is worth anything, it will stand the test. Gilt is afraid of fire, but gold is not. Cubic zirconia melts under intense heat and paste gems are crushed by heavy loads; but true diamonds fear no test. It is a poor faith which can only trust God when friends are true, the body full of health, business is profitable and the world is at peace. But faith that is TESTED is reliable. True faith is strong enough to stand and trust the Lord’s faithfulness when our friends have abandoned us, when our body is sick, when our spirit is depressed, and the light of our Father’s face is hidden by dark fear.

The bottom line is this —
FEAR doesn’t change the FACT that GOD IS FAITHFUL.
Fear yields to faith when Christ is the foundation.


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