There are times when “Thank You” just doesn’t seem like quite enough to say.

Every language in the world has a simple word or phrase to express the feeling of gratefulness for an act of kindness.  In English we say “Thank You.”  In French, it is “Merci.” In Hebrew, “Toda.”  Usually only one or two words, I think it may be a subtle nudge to say them often.

I love to say “Thank You” and express my gratefulness.  I make it a point to say it when a server at a restaurant is re-filling my coffee or delivering my order. (As an aside, one of the things I notice in dealing with others is how they treat wait staff. Do they give orders and say “Bring me the ham and cheese omelet with home fries” or do they treat them with respect and say “Could I please have an order of pancakes?”  It reveals a lot about a person!!)

I believe that saying “Thank You” well is important.  So I am deliberate about sending a text, an email or even a hand-written note to folks when I am grateful for something they’ve done.  Some people say that it’s the little things that count; but if they have such a significant impact, are they really only “little things?”

But when I stop and think of  ALL that my Heavenly Father has done for me, given to me, provided for me, opened to me and blessed me with — even over the past few weeks — “Thank You” just doesn’t seem to be enough. 

I had it in mind as I sat down this morning to write a personal thank you note to God, like I’ve done with so many folk, and just invite you to read along (hoping that it might offer some form of encouragement).  But  I’ve thought better of it.  The list of things would go on and on.  Each item would be of great significance to me, but quite naturally much, much less to you.  It would devolve to something akin to a person at an awards ceremony saying, “And I want to thank Tom, and also thank Dick, and must mention Harry.”  It loses something in the listing.

Instead, can I invite YOU to stop for a moment.  Grab a cup of coffee, or a glass of water, or some other something, and take whatever time you need to recall the people and things for which you’re grateful.  What things has God done in your life that make you want to say “Thanks?”

Please don’t just skim over that last paragraph.  It’s not a rhetorical question. It truly is worth much more than the time to recall and consider. 

Perhaps re-phrasing the question might help you re-consider my point.  So I’ll close with one final question designed to bring the actual gratefulness in your heart into sharp focus. It’s a question designed to help you do what today’s verse instructs us to do — GIVE THANKS TO HIM AND PRAISE HIS NAME.

So, here’s the question:

If you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday …..
How much would you have?

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