August 15, 2022
Several days ago I opened my phone and found out that I had a message from Jesus. Let me tell you what it said.
Several days ago I opened my phone and found out that I had a message from Jesus. Let me tell you what it said.
Honey has all kinds of great properties, even medicinal ones. But did you know that it can turn bitter things sweet? Here’s how …
Have you heard of CODE ADAM? It’s a program that helps recover missing children. There’s a CODE ADAM you can help with, and I’ll tell you about it today.
What’s your superpower? That’s not a question you get every day. There’s actually a REAL superpower available to you. Want it?
Everyone has a dream, a goal or a desire within them. They yearn to see it fulfilled. Today I’ll tell you how I know this is true. Then I’ll tell you how you can...
I’ve had more than one job that required body armor. There’s a rule of thumb about wearing it by the way, and I’ll share it with you.
This morning you and I are going to talk about your FAVORITE person in the whole world !!! Don’t miss it.
Having your head in the clouds can save your life! It’s an issue of trust.
Babies learning to walk are cute, and they fall down a lot. But as they grow they are supposed to get much better at walking. There’s a lesson in there for us, too. And...