When you need something, you’ve got to find a way to get it. We all have needs. Many of them different, some exactly the same. Everyone needs a light.
When you need something, you’ve got to find a way to get it. We all have needs. Many of them different, some exactly the same. Everyone needs a light.
Some animals are amazingly smart. Horses, dolphins and elephants come to mind. Others, however, tip the scales on the other side of the spectrum; and are dumb as a box of rocks.
I’ve asked plenty of kids the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I’ve never gotten the answer, “I want to be DANGEROUS!!” But it’s a great answer. Let me share why.
Surprise parties are amazing events. If you’ve ever had one or been to one, I’m sure you’ll agree. Especially when the guests and the gifts just keep on coming.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was an epic battle. It’s still influencing every single one of us on this planet here and now. And you need to win it to survive.
If your world is spinning out of control and you’re looking for peace – these five steps are guaranteed to work – NOW !
If you’ve ever watched a magician make a building or a huge statue disappear it just blows your mind. Today I’ll tell you how to make something EVEN BIGGER disappear … forever !!!
Some days are SO SPECIAL they need an annual celebration. But others are even MORE special, and so they need something else. TODAY is a VERY special day. Do you know what day it is???
I have children who’ve worked as prison guards, and they’ve told me just about everyone there protests their innocence. What about you? Were you framed?
Tick-Tock … When the baby is due that event controls everyone’s schedule. But there are lessons aplenty to be learned in the process.