9-11 is a day that always puts a knot in my stomach. Some things should never be forgotten. I’m not speaking of the cowardly terrorism, but the incredible heroism of so many.
9-11 is a day that always puts a knot in my stomach. Some things should never be forgotten. I’m not speaking of the cowardly terrorism, but the incredible heroism of so many.
Some people say they’ll get to something when they are “good and ready” – But never seem to be either one. There’s a solution to that dilemma.
Queen Elizabeth has been promoted to a higher kingdom. Her admission was not granted on account of any of her many worldly titles, riches or works. It was based upon whom she had chosen as her sovereign.
Have you ever “Paid It Forward” by covering the price of a cup of coffee or a sandwich? 10,000 slices of pizza is a BIG pay it forward gift, but not the BIGGEST one.
One thing you can say about ocean rescue – It’s never boring. Wind, waves, weather and the dark of night can make rescue both difficult and dangerous. Except for THIS lifeguard…..
If the bridge ahead on the road you’re driving is out — would you want to know ??? Of course you would !! Here’s your sign.
Two things impact a guarantee – the terms and the one standing behind it. For somethings a guarantee is no big deal. But for big things – it’s essential.
We chase every goal and desire under the sun. Sometimes we catch them, only to find out they don’t deliver what we had hoped. There’s a place where you can stop the endless pursuit and finally find rest.
Neon “gods” and naked lights may make for good song lyrics, but they’ll never calm life’s storms. I’ve got the secret for that in today’s lesson!!
You and I can find ourselves in some pretty large messes, and that can make us anxious and fearful. BUT it doesn’t have to !!! Here’s the secret …