Bishop Alan Maciel Castedo, his wife and the CEEC.CHURCH in Brazil have an active an impactful outreach ministry.
We praise God for the prayers, communication, encouragement and financial assistance we receive from the CEEC.CHURCH.
In Brazil, we pay dearly for food, our interest rates are very high and in this time of crisis prisoners have risen, making it even more difficult for poor people. But thanks to God with the help of CEEC.CHURCH we were able to help three families in difficulties. One of these families had nothing, they lost everything because of a flood; yesterday, we were able to help them with the purchase of food. We are also collecting clothes and food for the youth and adolescent recovery center.
Bishop Alan Castedo

With the help of a financial gift we received from the CEEC.CHURCH, we were able to help three unemployed families and without government help.
Our church is planted in a dangerous city, I am constantly faced with 10 year olds, pre-teenagers in drug trafficking, children with 45 pistols and a rifle that they can barely handle.
I often preach in churches and streets in the favela. Preaching to young armed and addicted drug dealers. Thank God we have seen some convert to Christ.

My wife goes on missionary trips from time to time into a the psychiatric center in Belford Roxo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to share the love of Jesus with these disturbed people.
LET US PRAY: Almighty and ever living God, I am praying for Your church all over the world, but particularly today for the CEEC.CHURCH in Brazil and especially Bishop Alan, his pastors and workers. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit, empower them with Your knowledge, protect them from the enemy. Lord, provide for their needs, provide the resources for the CEEC.CHURCH in Brazil. Lord, let us see Your mighty hands move over the church of Brazil, open the gate of heaven and pour your blessings over the church according to their request, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen