CEEC.CHURCH Monks Serving the Poor in Times of Corona Virus

In Miami, FL, monks from the CEEC.CHURCH’s Order of St. Benedict daily put the rule of their order into practice. ORA ET LABORA – “Pray and Work”

Working with their hands to provide the funds necessary, purchasing the materials, cooking the food, and then distributing these items to the poor and homeless is how these monks show forth the love of Christ day by day.

Many (if not MOST) in the CEEC.CHURCH are bi-vocational, working in a secular professions to support the work of the ministry. No one receives a salary from the CEEC.CHURCH. Some of our pastors receive a salary from the churches they lead, but even most of our pastors who lead churches are working in the secular world to either provide or supplement their income and support their families.

Pray for them! Pray for their work. Pray for their health. Pray that it will have an impact in the lives of those they touch.

I hear the voice of someone saying “Well done, My good and faithful servants.”

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