Evangelism & Feeding in Uganda Refugee Camps

by CEEC.CHURCH South Sudan

Greetings to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the CEEC.CHURCH around the world. Today we bring a story of evangelism and feeding of some of the refugees in the Ocea Rhino Refugee Camp in Uganda.

Recently our CEEC.CHURCH ministry teams in the Ocea Rhino Refugee Camp have held successful evangelistic and ministry outreaches for the community who are in exile from their homes in South Sudan.

We are grateful for the Lord’s power and strength, as He has allowed us to reach into the needy hearts of the most vulnerable among us.

We have held meetings at which we were able to distribute warm meals, an encouraging word of love and hope — and the life-changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

People throughout the camp have responded to our invitation, and they welcome the opportunity to be encouraged. Truly, we are able to feed the body, soul and spirit as we share the love of Christ.

Here we see the Rev. Fr. Thomas Bakoyo assisting two of the elderly at the meeting
The local CEEC.CHURCH community was blessed to provide and prepare a great feast.
After feeding the body, we offer to feed their spirit; giving an opportunity for people to make a decision to follow Jesus.
An active and fruitful children’s ministry is also growing in Ocea.

We are grateful for the love, prayers and support of our brothers and sisters in the CEEC.CHURCH who work with us to make this type of ministry possible.

Please continue to pray for us!!!!!

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