The first General synod of the Missionary Diocese in South Sudan started on Thursday the 25th Oct 2018 and continued through 27th Oct, 2018 at
Christ the King Cathedral in Yambio, South Sudan.
This General synod brought participants from different states in south sudan and other Countries. Participants came from within Gbudue state, Jubek, and Yei River state as well as from other countries like Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo to participate in this such colorful event in Yambio. The Synod was hosted by the Rev’d Canon Yepeta Nathana, and led by the Rt. Rev’d Robert Gosselin, Bishop of South Sudan.
In the year 2013, Bishop Gosselin first came to South Sudan to incardinate priests and initiated the Missionary Diocese of South Sudan. Initially 12 priests were incarnated. Then the evangelists were trained and sent all over to evangelize to the people. Therefore, CEEC.CHURCH embraces the great commission instructions.
Today the CEEC.CHURCH in South Sudan has been blessed by incredible growth. The diocese is served by over 20 priests and deacons, numerous women’s ministers, evangelists and catechists, as well as a large number of volunteers in many different areas.

Over a dozen churches have been planted; and not only in South Sudan, but also in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Due to the growth of the Missionary Diocese of South Sudan, several significant changes were announced. First, Bishop Robert announced the change in status for the diocese from that of a missionary diocese to a full diocese. This announcement was greeted an with expression of great joy. Bishop Robert then read a letter written by Archbishop Dr. Charles Travis, Provincial Archbishop, to the participants of the Synod and announced that, given the new status as a full diocese, the Diocese of South Sudan was to have a local bishop.

The Rev’d Canon Yepeta Nathana was designated by the Provincial House of Bishops to be the Bishop Designate for the Diocese of South Sudan.
Bishop Robert added that the Bishop Designate would be consecrated at an international synod in the USA in the spring of 2019, and that the transport would be arranged for him. The Bishop also declared the name of two Priests who would be elevated to the position of Canon. Rev. Fr. Angelo Ingi is the designated Canon for Eastern portion of the diocese, while Rev. Fr. Gabriel Matthew is the designated Canon for Western portion of the diocese.
Synod opens with prayer Synod attendees enjoy tea Bishop Robert speaks with representatives from the Congo Some synod attendees Bishop Designate Yepeta Nathana addresses synod