Jordanian Ministry Distributes Eggs

JORDAN: Report from our (Un-named) Bishop in Jordan – June 25, 2020

Members of the CEEC.CHURCH congregation in a Jordanian Refugee Camp distribute flats of 30 eggs to families being sheltered in the camp

In the Refugee Camps, fresh eggs are considered a welcome treat. Many in the camps are faced with ongoing food shortage issues, and hunger is a very real threat.

When the CEEC.CHURCH community distributed fresh eggs to refugees recently, it was a welcome gift and a great opportunity to show the love of Jesus.

“It is a real joy to place food gifts like this into the hands of the people involved in our ministry here in Jordan. When they return home with such a luxury, it opens doors for discussions about the love of Christ.”

Un-named CEEC.CHURCH Bishop serving in Jordan

We invite you to view these photos, and to pray for the families they represent. Please pray also for our Bishop in Jordan and ask the Lord to make his work even more effective among these refugees.

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