CEEC.CHURCH monks from the Order of St. Benedict are regularly on the streets of Miami. They hand out food for the homeless. They pray with the downtrodden. The shine the light of Jesus Christ into some of the darkest places on earth — the heart of a hopeless person.
That’s the directive for the monks of St. Benedict. Here is how the monks of this small monastery make a big difference week after week after week.
BI-VOCATIONAL. Work a secular job during the day, but then focus your non-working hours towards ministry. Most of the clergy in the CEEC.CHURCH are serving the Lord bi-vocationally. Paul the Apostle was bi-vocational; he made tents to support the ministry the Lord had called him to undertake. The CEEC.CHURCH monks of the Monastery of St. Benedict serve in this same manner. They operate an accounting service during the weekdays, and serve the needs of their community in the evenings and weekends.
Let this montage of photos redefine the concept of bi-vocational ministry for you.
Helping arrange for needed medical tratment Fr. Luis doing food prep Bishop Misael doing food prep Bars can’t stop the love I was hungry …… …. and you gave me something to eat
More info, and more pictures are available at the Monastery’s Facebook page