There’s a very large difference between light and darkness. When you’re surrounded by darkness, even a little bit of light is a vast improvement. And THAT is a lesson we could all benefit from.
There’s a very large difference between light and darkness. When you’re surrounded by darkness, even a little bit of light is a vast improvement. And THAT is a lesson we could all benefit from.
I’ve been in my share of dangerous situations. But I got some really valuable survival insight on a recent trip to Turkey, and I think you’ll appreciate it, too. It could save your life.
TREASURE — that’s not a word we use too often anymore. But, common or not, it’s a word we all know! Finding a treasure – now THAT’s exciting. Today we’ll go on a treasure hunt … AND find it!
There’s a lot to be said for stability and reliability. We all expect some things to work in certain ways. If they don’t, it causes massive issues. Today I’m going to share something TOTALLY reliable with you.
I love to sing. Beauty, we’ve all been told, is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps it is in the EAR as well?
Every person you will ever meet has been wounded in some way. We all tend to hide our wounds. The good news is that sometimes that’s totally unnecessary.
We all have someone we’d like to be more like. Heroes, mentors and friends. How do you pick an excellent role-model? I’m glad you asked!
Here’s a thought that probably doesn’t occur to you too often — It takes a lot of heat to melt a mountain! Today I want to introduce you to a mountain melter!
Over the weekend my 4-year-old granddaughter asked me why she couldn’t see God. I tried to explain to her that there is “seeing” – and then there is “S E E I N G” !!!!
A terrorist’s bomb will get your attention quickly! Incoming missiles have a way of focusing you on the most important things in life. That’s when your relationship with God is critical … literally.