Did you know that David and Goliath isn’t the only story of a massive victory against incredible odds in the Bible? Have you ever heard of Gideon?
Did you know that David and Goliath isn’t the only story of a massive victory against incredible odds in the Bible? Have you ever heard of Gideon?
The debate rages in many nations with respect to just how “open” borders ought to be, and who should be admitted. God’s got a very different approach with respect to the Kingdom of Heaven.
If there were ever two words that were certain to bring a response from just about anyone you meet, they would have to be “New Baby.”
When all is said and done, there is a lot more SAID than done. Talk is cheap. Today let’s talk about doing more than talking.
“And now the end is near” – Just those five words are enough to bring the voice of Frank Sinatra ringing into the memories of most of us.
So, who’s the richest person you KNOW? Not someone you know ABOUT, but someone who’d take your call. Think of a name. I’ll wait.
Have you ever been in a situation where you know a hidden microphone is listening to your every word? I have, and it is a strange and unsettling feeling.
It’s all too easy to forget things. Even important things. And when we do, there’s usually some sort of a cost to forgetting – be it financial or relational.
Unlovable. Abandoned. Do those words describe anyone you know? (Perhaps even yourself??) I have goods news — NO ONE is truly unlovable. And I can prove it.
Yesterday I spoke with several people facing situations that appear to be impossible. At least in the flesh. Thankfully, we are not limited to the operations of the flesh.