URGENT NEED: CEEC.CHURCH Priest In Egypt Needs Cardiac Cath Procedure

by Abp Robert Gosselin

We have just received word that Fr. John Farag, a CEEC.CHURCH priest serving in Cairo Egypt, is in a desperate situation.

Fr. John urgently needs a cardiac catheterization  to insert cardiac stints into some of his cardiac arteries.

This procedure will stabilize his weakened heart, and hopefully allow him to return to ministry after his recovery.

Fr. John, known in Egypt as Abuna Ossama, is responsible for assisting Bishop Mina Taufik oversee the affairs of the clergy in Egypt. Our clergy in Egypt have been serving without any salary, and minister in the vineyard of the Lord without any remuneration.

Fr. John has no health insurance. This surgery will be at his personal expense.

Please pray about making a donation to help cover the costs of Fr. John’s surgery. CLICK HERE and select ” URGENT NEED:  Fr. John’s Surgery in Egypt” from the list to give your gift today.

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