What would you think about a farmer who didn’t prepare his ground, didn’t sow any seed, didn’t do any work in his fields — but then, when the time for a harvest came around on the calendar, went out to his fields and expected to reap a massive harvest?
You and I both know what you’d think !! Because we’d think exactly the same thing.
And if that farmer hired us to be consultants and help him identify WHY he had no harvest, our job would be easy. We’d tell the farmer, “If you sow NOTHING, then you will reap NOTHING !!!!” You cannot reap when you do not sow. Farming doesn’t work that way. Ever !!!
Actually – NOTHING works that way.
Paul the apostle had a very clear lesson for us as it relates to sowing and reaping. He wrote it in 2 Corinthians 9. Here’s what he wrote:
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
So, how’s YOUR sowing going? If you have not made a decision to give of your time, talent and treasure into the Kingdom of God, the inevitable result is that you’ll not reap any harvest from it. Now, as in any other relationship, we do not give only to get; that would be utterly selfish and wrong. But there are laws that govern nature, and the law of sowing and reaping is one of them.
Are you concerned that you may not have enough if you give into the Kingdom of Christ? No need to be. In that same chapter of the bible, Paul continued and said, “Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” The reason many people are struggling in their finances is because they are NOT giving anything to God. When you are faithful to Him, He is faithful to reward your generosity.
I don’t care if you give to the CEEC.CHURCH or any other worthy Christian ministry. But you are robbing yourself of the blessing of seeing the fruit of your labors multiplied if you don’t sow into SOME ministry somewhere. Your generous giving is supposed to result in thanksgiving to God.
Paul made it clear that God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. That is what happens when you sow faithfully, frequently and cheerfully.
I’ve seen it in my own life, and so has everyone I’ve ever spoken to about learning how to be faithful in giving. I can testify that when I have been faithful to give to God’s kingdom, He has been faithful to see that my needs are met — AND continues to give me more and more so that I have more to give. Sowing and reaping. Sowing and reaping.
In farming and life, the rules are the same.
If you’re not faithfully sowing, you should start. You should start today! Because whatsoever one sows, that is what they also reap.