Sometimes the grace we have doesn’t seem like enough grace!
You don’t have to possess any inside knowledge to discern that Kabul is spinning out of control. Beatings, shootings, absolute disorder, missed and mixed up communication. And that’s just the beginning!
How do believers in Christ react and respond when facing this level of darkness and attack?
Well, we respond by standing upon what we know, acting upon what we’ve committed to and praying for the grace of God to increase in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are facing this persecution. We also fight the fight of faith WITHIN OURSELVES and refuse to give in and stop praying. The enemy is not simply battling in Kabul, he is also fighting in Cambridge, Cleveland and wherever you are right now. The enemy wants images coming out of the battle to instill hopelessness in you and to hinder your prayers. DON’T LET HIM WIN THAT BATTLE !!!!
Things looked utterly black and bleak at the end of the day when Jesus Christ was crucified. It looked completely hopeless. The disciples were scattered and scared. The Romans appeared to be in control. The body of Jesus was laying in a tomb and growing cold with death. For all intents and purposes it appeared that the enemy had won.
But that was NOT the case at all. What appeared to be the enemy’s victory was actually the very thing that undermined him and began the process that would lead to his utter destruction. In fact, the scriptures tell us that, had the enemy known what was coming, he never would have crucified the Lord of Glory. Why?
That event changed everything, and it STILL DOES. The battles still rage because the enemy is still stupid. He is trying to gain the final upper hand. The enemy of our souls will continue to fight until his final defeat. Therefore, so must the Army of God. We have a weapon he can never overcome.
If you know Christ, then the Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. We know from God’s word that if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is alive in Christ’s righteousness. We who have His Spirit need to be asking Him to FILL US with His Spirit, with His gifts, with His power, and with His grace. Like all warriors in a battle, we need a re-supply of ammunition, food and water. God will CONSTANTLY re-supply us as we seek Him.
Here’s an encouraging word to the battle-weary. Get connected to your re-supply provision. More faith!! More courage!! More grace!! Don’t allow the discouragement attacks of the enemy to stop you from praying. When you are attacked by the enemy, DEFEND! Then bring a counter attack !!!!! When you feel like praying less and giving up – PRAY MORE !!!! Bring the battle back to the enemy and advance the cause of victory.
The battle of the ages didn’t end on the fateful Friday afternoon. When the enemy was convinced he had finally won, he had only begun the chain of events that would lead to his final failure! Christ rose from the dead, taking with Him the keys to death and hell that Adam had surrendered. The victory was WON, and the new battle was begun.
You are the weapon! Your prayers, your fasting, your intercession, your specific ministry — these are all only TOOLS that God uses through your obedience. But YOU are the weapon.
When entering many buildings in Israel, especially government facilities, there are armed guards checking credentials and examining everything you bring with you. Along with “Can I see your identification?” There is another constant question. It is simply, “Do you have a weapon?” The Israelis have mastered the art of reading micro-expressions when using targeted questions, a fact anyone who has passed through Ben Gurion Airport can attest to. My answer to this question was always the same. “I am the weapon.” Sometimes it would bring a smile to their face, at other times not so much. But it was true none the less.
Will there be martyrs? Most certainly. Will there be pain and suffering that appears needless and deliberately cruel? Sadly, that is also the case. Our prayers can strengthen our brothers and sisters to help them face all that is before them. But for reasons that are not going to be explained to us on this side of heaven the battle will result in the death of some. We know from John’s writing in the Revelation that these martyrs will be given the greatest of honor; but we still have to face the battle here and now. This is always a difficult battle.
But the MOST difficult battles require a focused and disciplined use of EVERY AVAILABLE WEAPON – and YOU are one of the weapons. So ENGAGE!!!
I wish I could understand all of the details of God’s plan, not just in Kabul but in so many places around the world where darkness is rearing its ugly head. When I cannot fully come to grips with what I FEEL and what I THINK — I find that I must determine to return to WHAT I KNOW.
I will choose to engage. I will choose to ask to be continually filled with the power and presence of Christ. I will pray and engage in the battle, because the Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in me.
When we understand God’s ways, faith is easy; when we do not, faith is essential.