November 19, 2021

Some things are what one might call polar opposites. The absolute antithesis of one another. They just don’t mix. You can’t have broad-minded bigotry. Or callous warmth. One cannot be ignorantly perceptive or cheerfully angry....
Some things are what one might call polar opposites. The absolute antithesis of one another. They just don’t mix. You can’t have broad-minded bigotry. Or callous warmth. One cannot be ignorantly perceptive or cheerfully angry....
Every nation has a means of honoring its heroes. These are men and women who’ve set an example that reaches a height which most if not all people are compelled to admire. Often, though not...
If you do a search on the internet for the phrase “Have a heart” you’re going to be amazed at the vast diversity of things using that appeal to your emotions. At one end of...
(Where there is no vision, people lose heart and fail.) “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.” (Proverbs 29:18 NLT) By Fr. Chris Lee OFR...
Some things matter, others don’t. A couple of weeks ago I received a check drawn on the United States Treasury. It was a final disbursement of his pension as a US Postal worker. On that...
Growing up without a father has an incredible impact on a child. But that impact “ripples out” like a stone dropped into a pond. Fatherlessness is associated with almost every societal ill facing our country’s...
What’s the first thing that came to your mind when you read that? Did your first thought make you wonder if this would be a racially-focused devotional? Are we going to be talking about which...
Let me begin with a quote of one short paragraph from yesterday’s Veterans Day devotional. “When someone has chosen to give their life for yours, that very act demands honor. It is an act so...
Today’s devotional will be short and to the point. Some things ought not be forgotten. Ever. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month multiple nations around the world pause to...
For a very long time now, the hashtag #LOVE has been Instagram’s number one used tag. It has over 2.1 BILLION shares. That’s a LOT !!!! So, obviously, a lot of us here on this...