Jorge Hernan Sanguino Garcia – CEEC.CHURCH Mexico City
Greetings to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the CEEC.CHURCH around the world.

The ministry in Mexico City (and, more specifically, among the people who live in its garbage dumps) is a constant blend of love, prayer and food.
Recently our team brought a day of celebrating the Father’s Love for us (which we planned to coincide with Father’s Day). It was a joy to see many fathers carrying their children to receive a meal, play a game and share some time together.
For me, it is the faces of the children that display the most impact.

I’m pleased to share these photos below. As you look at them, I ask you to pray for us as we minister in this most difficult of environments. The light of God’s love shows so clearly here in the midst of the dark circumstances.
Thank you for your prayers, please CONTINUE to pray for us; that we may have the means to preach the Gospel here in the garbage dumps of Mexico City.