Addictions – they’ll suck the life out of your existence. In many cases, they’ll end your existence. To live life to the fullest, you’ve got to choose what to love.
Addictions – they’ll suck the life out of your existence. In many cases, they’ll end your existence. To live life to the fullest, you’ve got to choose what to love.
There are horror stories on the news every day that will break your heart. But try searching the term “acts of kindness” and then prepare to spend some time wiping different tears from your eyes.
Relationships are expressed in day-to-day actions. How does one go about living their faith? Or, to re-work the question, allowing their faith to live through them?
We’ve all heard the question – “Small, Medium or Large?” Sometimes we get to choose how much we want. That’s when it’s important to choose wisely – because it depends what’s being offered.
Whether you start with a small amount of something or a larger amount of something, asking for ALL of something is probably going to be a lot to ask for. Especially from the person who has to give it all.
Over the weekend my 4-year-old granddaughter asked me why she couldn’t see God. I tried to explain to her that there is “seeing” – and then there is “S E E I N G” !!!!
If you do a search on the internet for the phrase “Have a heart” you’re going to be amazed at the vast diversity of things using that appeal to your emotions. Today I want to share a call to compassion.
People will judge you by the clothing you wear. This is NOT a devotional about jeans and dresses (but I will use them as a key illustration). So let’s talk about some important things to MAKE SURE you’re wearing.
Lots of people spend lots of time looking for love – and then settle for something else and hope it fills the void. It doesn’t. Ever. But I can tell where to find true love.
Kids’ songs can be cute, though the messages can occasionally be somewhat strange. But some lessons are as simple as 1-2-3.