I love to sing. I enjoy creating harmonies in my mind and then trying them out with my voice. Depending upon who is nearby when I sing, I’ve been told both that my voice is wonderful AND ALSO that my voice is horrible. Beauty, I am told, is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps … Read more


Yesterday in Kabul the Taliban sent two suicide bombers to the crowded gates outside of the Hamid Karzai International Airport. These wicked men exploded their vests among throngs of civilians who were trying to evacuate their homeland and flee the vicious regime. This morning the death toll stands at over 100, and is likely to … Read more


Sometimes the grace we have doesn’t seem like enough grace! You don’t have to possess any inside knowledge to discern that Kabul is spinning out of control.  Beatings, shootings, absolute disorder, missed and mixed up communication. And that’s just the beginning! How do believers in Christ react and respond when facing this level of darkness … Read more


All of us have blown it, none of us is totally perfect in every way. Especially not me. One of the things I appreciate about living as part of the Christian communion that is the CEEC.CHURCH is our determination to live a lifestyle of forgiveness. We are deliberate about walking in holiness, and just as … Read more

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